Thank you for contacting Partnerprogramm.
I reviewed your enquiry and noticed that the items you did list are not appearing in the payment report, since those do not count as “qualified orders” according to the eligibility requirements.
In number 7 of the eligibility requirements we state the following:
The following events are not considered as “Qualified Orders” and Amazon will in the following cases not reimburse any advertising expenses:
“Products, which are bought by you or in your name over a Partner-Link, also including products, which you purchase over a Partner-Link for yourself, friends, relatives or partners (e.g.: personal orders as well as orders for your private consumption and orders, which you issue for another individual or juridical person or in their name);”
Further we indicate in point 30 of the eligibility requirements for the EU-Partnerprogramm:
“You refrain yourself from the purchase of products over Partner-Links, regardless if for your own use, for resell purposes or for commercial usage of any kind.”
Please, understand that we for reasons to maintain our business secrets cannot make any further statements concerning the process of how to recognize “Qualified orders”. However, we want to advice you in this context that we do conclusively identify, if orders are placed using Partnerlinks.
Hereto the link stating our current eligibility requirements:
As well as the link stating the EU-Partnerprogramme requirements:
We hope, we have been helpful and thank you for your understanding