Similar findings were obtained for sports ideas: more sports ideas were generated in the sports priming condition than in the control conditions, the originality of sports ideas in the sports priming condition was higher than in the control conditions, and the correlation between percentage of sports ideas and originality of those ideas was significant . Thus making a particular category more accessible through priming increased the number of ideas generated within that category and, given persistence, this eventually led to more original ideas within the category. Overall, these findings suggest that exploring one or a few cognitive categories systematically and in great depth can and will lead to original ideas. This suggests that even a lack of flexibility may not always be Figure 3. Percentage of nutrition and sports ideas in the different priming conditions , and originality of nutrition and sports ideas in the different priming conditions . THE DUAL PATHWAY TO CREATIVITY MODEL 53 Downloaded by at 09:29 08 October 2017 detrimental to creativity. As long as categories are explored deeply, original ideas may result even for people low in cognitive flexibility. This is the issue we will now examine in more detail. Need for structure, systematic exploration, and creativity. People differ in the degree to which they engage in flexible or systematic processing. One personality variable that captures these differences is Personal Need for Structure , a chronic aversion to ill-structured situations and a longing for certainty and predictability . In terms of the trade-off between flexibility and stability, people high in PNS have a strong tendency towards stability. High PNS is also associated with a tendency to organise information in simple ways, with stereotyping, and with a strong tendency to form spontaneous trait inferences . High PNS generally impedes flexibility of thought and might therefore be negatively related to creativity . For example, PNS relates negatively to the big five factor Openness to Experience , which in turn is positively related to creativity . It also positively relates to authoritarianism , which in turn is negatively related to creativity . However, Rietzschel et al. argued that under some conditions PNS might actually relate positively to creative performance. People high in PNS will be inclined to take a structured approach to a creativity task, and to systematically explore conceptual categories. Such systematic exploration, as we have seen above, may eventually lead to original ideas, given a deep exploration of conceptual categories and sufficient time-on-task . Since there are reasons to believe that PNS can both positively or negatively relate to creativity, Rietzschel et al. argued that the effects may depend on other factors. In particular, they considered the role of another personality variable, Personal Fear of Invalidity .5 People high in PFI are very concerned with the consequences of their decisions, tend to be indecisive, and have a strong tendency to worry about the possibility that they give a wrong response . PFI may undermine creativity because the ‘‘correctness'' of original responses is harder to establish and harder to defend or justify to others than the ‘‘correctness'' of 5PNS and PFI are both related to the construct of need for cognitive closure . High need for cognitive closure is associated with a tendency to reach quick conclusions and to stick to a conclusion that was reached earlier .