Came to think of it all now, Byaku could only remember the fuzzy details, as in that moment he had begun to feel the first sign of unconsciousness. So that time, yes, amongst all the destruction, choking smoke and the pain, he had succeeded in reaching the place where Minos was. His first instinct had told him to call for aid, staking his life on a bit of mercy his General might had. He was still a bit far away, the General nor the saints couldn’t see him as his path was blocked by large debris everywhere, so he crawled and crawled, until he abruptly stopped, halted by a startling scene unfolded before him.What he had seen that time still shocked him gravely until this day; to witness his General carrying that saint in his arms and flew away together. That had been purely mind startling, it shook all of the commitments and principles embedded inside him, the sole purpose they were fighting the saints all along. Had it been his mind was playing trick on him or simply a hallucination from the poison in the rose, Byaku totally couldn’t tell. He concluded that it was both, because Minos couldn’t possibly do that. No. Not his General, not Minos. Minos utterly hated all saints and everything that related to them, and there was no exception to that.Though the said General showed no indication of that when Byaku saw him last time. He couldn’t possibly hear anything of their conversation, but he’d seen it all; as that blue haired saint, that ill-fated Pisces who had killed his friends and wounded him terribly, had come willingly and Minos had been so careful with him when he lifted him into his arms as if they were lovers. And then there had been another saint, Aries if he was right, bearing witness to the event. Byaku watched at how furious that saint had been, but at the end he let them go and the two flew into the afternoon sky.Byaku could do nothing. Nothing as he saw the opportunity of escaping had vanished with his General gone. He had no more strength, and so he just laid there, helpless and in pain, drowsing between life and death, until the time when they had found him. That time he had been sure he would die as angry saints and soldiers surrounded him, had went in for the kill, eliminating any threat. Then again surely, he was too precious and the next thing they did was making sure that he didn’t die.Byaku couldn’t be sure what had happened after that as he passed out. When he woke up, few hours later he thought, he found himself in the medical bay, hands and feet bound to the bed with long chains and guards all around him. There was less pain but the fright in his heart rose up ten folds. He hadn’t expected this. He had prepared to die, had favored it, it was million times better than this; woken up in the lion’s den, surrounded by so many of his enemies. He knew their reasons, why else would they keep an enemy alive if it wasn’t for information, and in that moment Byaku realized that his life was over.Because what had transpired after that, had been nothing but dreadful, even at his worst imagination.Only few hours after they knew he had gained some of his strength back, they brought him to the prison, this horrific cell he was in right now. Waiting for no delay, he too had been immediately sent to the interrogation room, where to his utmost horror, some of the Gold saints had been waiting for him with list of questions needed to be answered.