加州大學心理學教授 Albert Mehrabian 提出的概念:溝通時,語言佔 7% ,聲調語氣及手勢輔助佔 38%,而剩下的 55% 取的英文翻譯

加州大學心理學教授 Albert Mehrabian 提出的概念:溝通

加州大學心理學教授 Albert Mehrabian 提出的概念:溝通時,語言佔 7% ,聲調語氣及手勢輔助佔 38%,而剩下的 55% 取決於你的外表形象與肢體語言。你可能覺得奇怪:語言只佔 7% !所以講話內容其實不太重要是嗎?其實正確來說應該是:當一個人講話時的語氣、臉上的表情和肢體動作與其說話內容不一致時, 人們更相信肢體語言表達出的意思,而不是他所說的話 。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
The concept professor of psychology at the University of California Albert Mehrabian proposed: to communicate, language accounted for 7%, tone of voice and gesture aid accounted for 38%, while the remaining 55% of the image depends on your appearance and body language. You may wonder: language only 7%! So the content of the speech is actually less important is it? In fact, it should be correct: When tone of a person speaking, inconsistent face and body movements speak to their content, more people believe that the meaning of body language to express, not his words.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Albert Mehrabian, a professor of psychology at the University of California, puts forward the concept that language accounts for 7% of communication, 38% of voice and gesture assistance, and the remaining 55% depends on your appearance and body language. You may find it strange: language is only 7%! So the content of the speech isn't really that important, is it? In fact, it should be true that when a person's speech tone, facial expression and body movements are not consistent with what they say, people believe more in the meaning of body language than what he says.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
According to Albert Mehrabian, a psychology professor at the University of California, language accounts for 7% of communication, tone, mood and gesture assistance 38%, while the remaining 55% depends on your appearance and body language. You may think it strange: language only accounts for 7%! So the content of the speech is not very important, is it? In fact, it should be true that when a person's tone, facial expression and body movements are inconsistent with his speech content, people believe in the meaning of body language rather than what he said.<br>
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