It is interesting to see how my idea of success has changed through the years. When I was young, I was eager for material success. I chose to be a salesman and earned lots of money. But then I realized selling was not what I wanted to do all my life. After all I was often forced to sell products that did not really fit the customer. Eventually I became very unhappy, even with big money.
Then my search for success turned inwards. I gave up sales and chose another job --- helping people. I earned less, but I was much more satisfied. I love horses, so I started to paint horses. And then I returned to my old love, writing. I felt the most successful when I loved what I did, never mind the money. I believe success lies in joy and happiness that can come from many things: painting, writing. playing with a small child. managing well a difficult job...So what is success for you? Are you reaching for that big house just to show off? Or have you learned yet to listen to inter self? Try to listen to your own feelings , and you may be surprised at what you find.
Remember --- what is success for you may not be success in someone mind. You are not here to live anyone else life but your own. You do not have to please others with your life. Only if you are happy yourself, can you spread happiness to others. You cannot give what you do not have.. `
So be true to yourself and follow your own joyful path to your own success.
It is interesting to see how my idea of success has changed through the years. When I was young, I was eager for material success. I chose to be a salesman and earned lots of money. But then I realized selling was not what I wanted to do all my life. After all I was often forced to sell products that did not really fit the customer. Eventually I became very unhappy, even with big money.Then my search for success turned inwards. I gave up sales and chose another job --- helping people. I earned less, but I was much more satisfied. I love horses, so I started to paint horses. And then I returned to my old love, writing. I felt the most successful when I loved what I did, never mind the money. I believe success lies in joy and happiness that can come from many things: painting, writing. playing with a small child. managing well a difficult job...So what is success for you? Are you reaching for that big house just to show off? Or have you learned yet to listen to inter self? Try to listen to your own feelings , and you may be surprised at what you find.Remember --- what is success for you may not be success in someone mind. You are not here to live anyone else life but your own. You do not have to please others with your life. Only if you are happy yourself, can you spread happiness to others. You cannot give what you do not have.. `So be true to yourself and follow your own joyful path to your own success.