At 19,I worked in a doctor's office as a medical assistant. I was shy, awkward, and didn’t have much faith in myself. I was not sure about the future or my place in it.
I met a man there, a physician, and became friends with him. He slowly began building me up, encouraging me to be more confident, to look outside the immediate circle of my life, and to see a future I could never quite believe.
First ho helped me accept myself and see my worth, and then he encouraged me to take one or two college classes. I did well,so he pushed a little asking me where 1 wanted to be in ten years and what I wanted my life to become. Until he brought it up, I hadn’t thought about it much. I had a job, and I was fine. But he made me long for a different world, one with questions waiting to be answered,adventures waiting to be experienced, and people waiting to be seen.
I went lo college and finally realized my dream of getting accepted into a physician assistant training program. Unfortunately it was very expensive, and even with loans. I didn’t have the money to go. My dream was slipping away when this wonderful man took me out after work one evening, bought me a beer, and offered to help me pay for my college education. Furthermore, he did it without asking for anything in return.
Years later, I asked him "Why?” He said, "Because I knew you could be more than you were,and because once, when I wasn' t sure I could succeed and didn' t have the money for school, someone did it for me.”