Previous two days read the title in the school newspaper are "except Oneself, In Your Eye Also Some Who" did an article, quite have the feelings. In the article mentioned the department of journalism studies together has written about the present graduate student interpersonal faint article, has caused teacher and the schoolmates attention, afterwards, reporter launched the investigation to 56 graduate students, finally indicated: "At present the interpersonal relationship quite indifferent or is indifferent" has 30 people, but thought between the graduate student schoolmate "has the necessity mutually to know" has 51 people. Respectively holds the viewpoint, the opinion differently by the surveyor respectively. Some people thought indifferent is one kind of right, some people thought should not be indifferent, must start to walk on own initiative first step and so on. How regardless of appraises, the investigation data clear indicated the graduate student was not changes initiative in the human communication aspect, but was just the opposite.