In the formula (9) M21 generated by the system embodied in price in a hidden income, M22 dominant income. <br>3) investment in infrastructure <br>construction investment generally do not have income, assumed to be zero. <br>4) desalination system host <br>system of fresh water per year production revenue for M41, other by-products to generate income for the M42, then the total revenue for the period of use: <br><br>M41 (10) in the formula and M42 are dominant revenue. <br>5) total revenue systems <br>assumed to be equal to the value of the last vestiges of the total treatment cost system that does not consider the value and cost of processing system after a few years. Thus, the overall system in lifetime earnings as follows: <br><br>Here, counting only the dominant revenue collectors and solar power auxiliary systems. The total area of solar collectors to make the system of A, its level of <br>average efficiency ηs, then the total value per m2 of solar radiation is H, then the solar collector system is always shaped as: <br><br>If it was directly available to users of thermal energy price r1, the ratio of heat directly to the user is β1. Dominant solar collection system then returns the year as: <br>M12 = ηsHAr1 beta1 (13 is) <br>by the same method of analysis, the dominant system proceeds directly to obtain auxiliary power supply for the user as: <br>M22 = ηpHAer2 beta] 2 (14) <br>wherein, power generation efficiency of the electrical system - ηp; Ae - light area of the solar panel (assuming that electric auxiliary system with solar panels), m2; H - the total value of solar radiation that year; r2 - price, ¥ / kWh; β2 - proportion of direct power supply system for the user. If the electric power as an auxiliary wind power generation system, then: <br>M22 = Wf R2 beta] 3 (15) <br>Where, Wf - then the total power, kWh; β3 - Wind power system directly proportional to the user's power.<br>Desalination by-product produced by the host system a major source of income concentrated seawater to produce salt or other chemical raw materials, chemical raw materials to make the price of these is r3, the total amount of by-products as mc, so: <br>M42 = MCR3 (16) <br>Solar Desalination System the main product is the primary pure water, pure water is converted into fresh water desalination system value <br>to earnings, so that then the price of pure water r4, if the annual total amount of water to me, then, freshwater total revenue for the year: <br>M41 = meα (17) <br>the average coefficient of performance of the system is assumed desalination PR = 3.0 (which is equal to the heat required for the evaporation of fresh water into the system divided by the heat input plus power), then the annual yield of water: <br>Me = ηpHAr (beta] 2. 1- ) <br>HFG <br>PR (18 is) <br>where, hfg - latent heat of vaporization under average operating temperature of the system, taken as 2300 kJ / kg. <br>The above analysis can be obtained by total revenue over the life of the system, and then converted into the amount of construction funds are as follows: <br><br>Formula (19) is a case of using solar panels generate electricity, if the use of wind power generation system, the formula (19) becomes: <br><br>by the formula (20) is visible, factors affecting the economics of solar desalination, including water production, fresh water prices, the annual interest rate, inflation rate, <br>local solar energy resources and electricity and so on. Therefore, in order solar desalination system with good economic, we must consider a number of factors. After the environment and structural parameters of the system to be determined, so that M = F, the lowest price can be calculated by the system αmin.