We received your analysis report with thanks and would advise you as follows:
aa) The report is just to prove no salt water contamination, but as well to sure that condensation of water vapor to
cause the rusty problem.
bb) We believed that not only water vapor, it might be the water pouring to cause such a serious rust happened in
such a short time. If not the water condensation along with the contact place of the two pipes the natural
oxidization may not cause such a serious rust in such a short time though the coating moved during the
transit. The rusty condition was not a natural oxidization.
cc) The rust prevention capabilities of lacquer coating can be lasted for more than 6(six) months for
natural oxidization by storage indoors. You may be aware that more than 70 days from the pipes completed/
storaged and loaded in the hatch via a vessel voyage. When cargo unloaded on Apr. 10, 2016 from the vessel
the pipes condition were shiny, even steel coupling, thread, and steel packing strips. However, the photos
from Apr.28, 2016 appeared not only the pipes contact place had the water condensation marks, the pipe
surface, the coupling, the thread and the steel packing strips all had serious rusted and the rust marks
presented not a natural oxidation, even you may noted the water moving marks. The analysis reported that
bundling prior lacquer dried and corrosion at contact surface to cause the rusty problem is not acceptable.
dd) To be frank, our transit responsibility shoud cover until the cargo discharged. We can not control the risk
after cargo unloaded. Besides, we are wondering why the cargo was discharged at dock open yard.
Based on above, we are awfully sorry for being unable to accept the customer's claim. We thank you for your kind understanding.