for suspect tumor recurrence,malnutritionAmpulla of Vater intestinal-type villous adenoma with high grade dysplasia anddistal common bile duct high-grade dysplasia,s/p Pancreaticoduodenctomy,Whipple type, with reconstruction (PrPPD) on 2019/09/0275-992 名稱:CT of AbdomenComputed Tomography of Abdomen With and Without Enhancement Show:s/p Pancreatico-duodenectomy, Whipple type, with reconstruction (PrPPD). No CT evidence of local recurrence.Moderate ascites and mesentery infiltration with peritoneal thickening, r/o peritonitis.Marked dilatation of CBD and IHDs with pneumobilia.Severe atrophy of left lobe liver.S/P cholecystectomy.Left renal stone and cyst. No hydronephrosis.No remarkable finding of spleen, right kidney, and adrenal glands.No obvious obstructive lesion of th bowel.No pneumoperitoneum.No enlarged lymph node in the retroperitonem, mesentery, or pelvis.Subsegmental atelectasis at bilateral lower lungs with pleural effusion.Degenerative chang of thoracolumbar spine with maginal osteophytes.Mild biconcavity with Schmorl’s nodes at lumber spine, probably subtle osteoporotic compression fractures.Severe fatty . liver. Colon diverticulosis.IMP:No CT evidence of local recurrence.Moderate ascites and mesentery infiltration with peritoneal thickening, r/o peritonitis.Marked dilatation of CBD and IHD with pneumobilia.