When you want to buy or rent a house, you are expecting not only the g的中文翻譯

When you want to buy or rent a hous

When you want to buy or rent a house, you are expecting not only the good quality of the house but also the nice neighbours who live near you.Almost everyone agrees that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours.However, the standard of good neighbours is different from people to people.In my opinion, a good neighbour should be someone who respects your life, is ready to help others and concerned about the environment in the neighbourhood.
First of all, it is very important for your neighbour to respect you life.Just imagine, if you have a neighbour curious(好奇的)about you, especially your personal life, and tries to know more about it by whatever means, what will you feel?What is more, he or she may also talk with others about your life.Do you want to live with him or her anymore?The answer is definitely negative.You will feel very uncomfortable to have such kind of people in your neighbourbood and you may move as soon as possible.
Next, what you should consider is that a good neighbour is always willing to give you a hand when you need him or her.For example, if you are not at home and someone suspect(可疑的)tries to unlock your door, your neighbour who sees it should call 911, and it will help you to protect your property(财产).
Finally, a good neighbor should be concerned about the environment, especially around your neighbourhood.He or she should throw all the rubbish into garbage and keep the place clean, because a good environment can make people who live in it comfortable and relaxed all the time.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
当你想要购买或租住的房子时,你期望不仅质量好的房子,但还好邻居住在附近 you.Almost 每个人都同意它是有助于忍受一些好的 neighbours.However,好邻居的标准是不同的人对房产我看来,一个好邻居应该尊重你的生活的人是乐于助人和关心周围的环境。首先,它是非常重要的你,尊重你的邻居 life.Just 想象一下,如果你有一个邻居好奇 (好奇的) 关于你,尤其是你个人的生活,并试图知道更多关于它的任何手段,你会是什么感受吗?更重要的是,他或她可能还和别人谈论你的 life.Do 你想再与他或她住了吗?答案肯定是人的 negative.You 会感到很不舒服你四周围的人都有这样,你可以尽快动议。接下来,你应该考虑的是一个好邻居是总是愿意给你一只手,当你需要他或大发雷霆的例子,如果你都不在家,有人怀疑 (可疑的) 试图打开你的门,你看到它的邻居应拨打 911,和它将帮助您保护您的 property(财产)。最后,一个好邻居应该关心环境,特别是在你 neighbourhood.He 周围或她应该把所有的垃圾扔进垃圾,保持地方清洁,因为一个良好的环境可以让活着的人在它舒适和放松所有的时间。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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