Collision markers are placed to decrease load on the physics engine, cover for meshes that the player can walk through, or to prevent the player from moving to an area on the map entirely or until a designated point is reached. Often these collision markers place unnecessary and immersion breaking restrictions on the player. Most noticeably when trying to scale mountains, but also in other situations, such as trying to walk under a boardwalk, climbing atop piles of rubble, or attempting to reach the barbed wire on those billboard walls around the Strip and Freeside. Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover seeks to remove these annoyances not only from the Mojave Wasteland, but from every worldspace spanning all DLCs, as well as interiors. This mod has been created entirely in FNVEdit, filtering for Collision Markers and going through them one by one, disabling those that won't cause issues (such as having the ability to walk through walls). The end result is a comprehensive and all-inclusive invisible wall remover that won't contain the dirty edits or -30000 z coordinates that cause many issues in worldspace modifying mods. All of the disabled Invisible Walls have had their enable state flagged as opposite to the player character, to cover all bases.
If you find any invisible walls that I've missed, or run into any problems, please report them in the comments section and I'll to see to it that they're fixed.
Enjoy a New Vegas free of invisible walls.
INSTALLATION: Before you begin, note that this mod requires Fallout: New Vegas (Obviously), Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road. They're called FalloutNV.esm, DeadMoney.esm, HonestHearts.esm, OldWorldBlues.esm, and LonesomeRoad.esm in your data folder. Once you've made sure you have all of these, simply drag and drop Ultimate Invisible Wall Remover.esp into your Fallout: New Vegas data folder. Alternatively, you could use FOMM or Nexus Mod Manager.