An extension of this model has been provided by McCubbin and Patterson的繁體中文翻譯

An extension of this model has been

An extension of this model has been provided by McCubbin and Patterson (1982), with the recognition that the focus of the original ABCX model is limited to variables present prior to the crisis. In their double ABCX model McCubbin and Patterson (1982) recognize that crisis responding is unlikely to be a static process and posit that variables subsequent to the crisis are important to consider in understanding marital satisfaction and stability. Therefore, they propose that variable A extends beyond the initial stressor to include every day occurrences unrelated to the stressor, in addition to stressors which develop as a result of dealing with the original stressor. Similarly, the level of available resources (B) consists of not only the resources present at the start of the conflict but also those developed through the course of dealing with the stressful event. And finally, the perception of the stressor or event is extended to include the perception of what this crisis situation means to each individual family member post-crisis. This perspective recognizes that the variables associated with marital satisfaction and stability in relation to crises or stressors are ever changing and admits to their importance in the revision of the ABCX model.
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結果 (繁體中文) 1: [復制]
結果 (繁體中文) 2:[復制]
McCubbin和Patterson(1982年)提供了這種模式的擴展,並認識到原始ABCX模型的重點僅限於危機前存在的變數。在他們的雙ABCX模型McCubbin和Patterson(1982年)中,他們認識到危機應對不太可能是一個靜態的過程,並假定危機之後的變數在理解婚姻滿意度和穩定性時必須加以考慮。因此,他們提出變數 A 超出初始應力函數的範圍,除處理原始壓力因而產生的壓力因而形成的壓力外,還包括與壓力函數無關的每一天事件。同樣,可用資源(B)水準不僅包括衝突開始時存在的資源,還包括通過處理壓力事件而開發的資源。最後,對壓力或事件的看法被擴展,包括對危機後每個家庭成員對每個家庭成員意味著什麼的看法。這種觀點認識到,與婚姻滿意度和與危機或壓力因素相關的穩定性的變數在不斷變化,並承認這些變數在ABCX模型的修訂中的重要性。
結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
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