In Vehicular environment the information disseminates and exchanged wirelessly without any immobile infrastructure and frequent path break occur due to high mobility of vehicles [4].
Fig. shows V ANET communication architecture, consisting of vehicles, RSUs (base stations) and obstacles that interfere communication range. V ANET is one of the type of MANET (Mobile Ad hoc Network) [4], having mobiles nodes that are equipped with OBU (OnBoard Unit) and RSUs
(Roadside Units) which are situated over a definite distance, are connected with the internet and broadcast information to the vehicles. OBU is also known as Radio Interface device,
which provides short range wireless signals for Ad hoc network. It has computing facility, forward and backward radar, GPS and event data recorder [10]. Each vehicle functions as a router as well as repeater (to expand its wireless coverage area) [2], [4] to another vehicle, so it can further disseminate information. Primarily Vehicular network consider two types of communication networks, V2V (Vehicle to Vehicle), V2R (Vehicle to Roadside Unit) communication [3] [12], for establishing and enhancing the communication range and information dissemination among the vehicles and RSUs (Roadside Unitlbase station) [13].
The rest of the paper is organized in six sections: Section 1 describes the communication standards used in V ANET for wireless access. Section 2 briefly summarizes the related work
in NCTUns for traffic analysis for V ANET. Section 4 presents the simulation setup and parameters that are considered for this simulation. Section S simulates the result for WAVE and
WiMAX implementation in vehicular environment. Section 6 has the conclusion and future scope.