Windows on GCP.
Google Cloud Platform goes all in on support for Windows and ASP.NET-based workloads.
Best of both clouds: Kubernetes and OpenStack.
Public or private cloud? Why compromise when you really need both? Containerized and orchestrated via Kubernetes, OpenStack will boost the stability of private clouds and offer accelerated development and innovation.
PowerShell now available—on Linux and GCP.
Microsoft continues to prove its love for Linux. PowerShell is now open source and available on Linux, along with new tools for cross-cloud management. Also, check out PowerShell on GCP.
gRPC is GA and ready for production deployments.
Managing loosely coupled systems is an ever-greater challenge. gRPC lets you connect, operate, and debug as easily as making local function calls—with the same scale and stability as Google’s own RPC.
Here be your living room.
If you’ve been asleep since July and Pokémon GO passed you by, check out Disney’s Dragon Spotting for a more accessible augmented reality (AR) experience. Backed by the Cloud Vision API, it can make dragons magically appear in your daily life.
Get hands-on with Cloud Natural Language API.
Drag and drop files into the “Try the API” window on the Vision, Speech, Translate, and NL API pages and take them for a test drive. Or create your own app with this Cloud NL tutorial to bring context to unstructured data.
Google Container Engine (GKE) and DataStax integration on GitHub.
Built on Cassandra, DataStax now lets you deploy an entire application—including the datastore—in GKE. Use Kubernetes to streamline administration, improve reliability, and lower costs.
Newly updated: Cloud Platform for AWS pros.
How do you bid on Spot instances in GCP? Trick question. You never have to bid on instances. Learn the differences between GCP and AWS with our revised and expanded guide.
Build your own machine learning web app using GCP.
Follow along to create a web-based machine learning system using TensorFlow and elements from the entire GCP stack. See how you can scale, serve all jobs on a budget, and shave a week off development time.
Preemptible VM prices drop 1/3 in one year.
Preemptible VMs are unbeatable for affordable bursts of compute power. Use thousands of cores for anything from analyzing financial data to video rendering—now for up to 33% less.
GCP Podcast rings in its 40th episode.
What does GCP have to do with blockbusters like Game of Thrones and Deadpool? Hear how Rodeo FX uses GCP for cloud rendering and visual FX and check out their mind-blowing GoT reel.
Manage your APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints.
Deploy, authorize, and monitor APIs written in any language. New versions of Java and Python frameworks feature reduced latency and support custom domains.
Add flexibility to GCP private networks.
Efficiently control your network with expandable subnetworks as user numbers and compute resources grow. Extend networks within a region—or across regions—without disrupting service.
App Engine doubles down with tools and plugins for Java developers.
Life just became easier for Java developers. Use IntelliJ to develop and test in GAE and never leave your Java IDE. Or try new Maven and Gradle plugins to test locally and deploy to the cloud.
GCP 的窗户。谷歌云计算平台都在下去支持 Windows 和基于 ASP.NET 的工作负载。阅读更多趋势分析最好的两个云︰ Kubernetes 和 OpenStack。公共或私有云?为什么妥协,当你真的需要两个吗?集装箱和策划通过 Kubernetes,OpenStack 将促进私有云的稳定性,提供了加速的发展和创新。PowerShell 现在可用 — — 关于 Linux 和 GCP。微软继续证明其对 Linux 的爱。PowerShell 是现在开放源码和 linux,以及用于跨云管理的新工具可用。同时,查阅关于 GCP PowerShell。gRPC 是遗传算法和生产部署准备。管理松散耦合的系统是一个更大的挑战。gRPC 允许你连接、 操作和调试容易使本地函数调用 — — 具有相同的规模和稳定性作为谷歌自己的 RPC。这里有龙......在你的客厅里。如果自 7 月以来,你已经睡了,神奇宝贝去通过你所查阅迪斯尼的龙找更易于访问的增强的现实 (AR) 经验。由云愿景 API 支持,它可以使龙奇迹般地出现在你的日常生活。资源获得与云自然语言 API 的实践。拖放文件到视觉、 语音、 翻译和 NL API 页上的"尝试 API"窗口,带他们去试乘试驾。或创建您自己的应用程序与此云 NL 教程,以使非结构化数据的上下文。Google Container Engine (GKE) and DataStax integration on GitHub.Built on Cassandra, DataStax now lets you deploy an entire application—including the datastore—in GKE. Use Kubernetes to streamline administration, improve reliability, and lower costs.Newly updated: Cloud Platform for AWS pros.How do you bid on Spot instances in GCP? Trick question. You never have to bid on instances. Learn the differences between GCP and AWS with our revised and expanded guide.Build your own machine learning web app using GCP.Follow along to create a web-based machine learning system using TensorFlow and elements from the entire GCP stack. See how you can scale, serve all jobs on a budget, and shave a week off development time.PLATFORM NEWSPreemptible VM prices drop 1/3 in one year.Preemptible VMs are unbeatable for affordable bursts of compute power. Use thousands of cores for anything from analyzing financial data to video rendering—now for up to 33% less.GCP Podcast rings in its 40th episode.What does GCP have to do with blockbusters like Game of Thrones and Deadpool? Hear how Rodeo FX uses GCP for cloud rendering and visual FX and check out their mind-blowing GoT reel.Manage your APIs with Google Cloud Endpoints.Deploy, authorize, and monitor APIs written in any language. New versions of Java and Python frameworks feature reduced latency and support custom domains.Add flexibility to GCP private networks.Efficiently control your network with expandable subnetworks as user numbers and compute resources grow. Extend networks within a region—or across regions—without disrupting service.App Engine doubles down with tools and plugins for Java developers.Life just became easier for Java developers. Use IntelliJ to develop and test in GAE and never leave your Java IDE. Or try new Maven and Gradle plugins to test locally and deploy to the cloud.GO TO MY CONSOLE