Satyrium pumilum and its sarcophagid fly pollinators. (A) The habitat of S. pumilum at Leliefontein in the Namaqualand Kamiesberg. (B) Satyrium pumilum in situ (scale bar = 1 cm). (C–E) Pollination sequence of a S. pumilum flower by a sarcophagid fly in an arena (scale bar for all three photos = 0·5 cm); (C) the fly carrying five pollinaria from other S. pumilum flowers enters an unpollinated flower – note the empty stigma (1), and that both its pollinaria are present (2); (D) as the fly moves deeper into the flower towards the right-hand spur, it presses an attached pollinium against the stigma, and its thorax against the right-hand viscidium; (E) as it leaves the flower, the fly has deposited two massulae on the stigma (1), and removed a pollinarium (2) – it now carries six pollinaria.