The purpose of the current work is to examine the relationship between character strengths and these domainsof economic decision-making and everyday thinking processes. This is largely a descriptive venture, aimed at uncovering how constellations of individual differences map onto one another and determining how different types of people respond to the same decision-making situation. In fact,some prior work has suggested that there may be interesting relationships between personality traits (e.g., Big Five)and game play (Boone, De Brabander & van Witteloostuijn,1999; Zhao & Smillie, 2015), as well as character strengthsand economic game play (Ruch, Bruntsch & Wagner, 2017).Our work provides further evidence that character strengthsare related to economic decision-making more broadly byexamining a variety of economic games and non-social decisions, utilizing large samples, and (typically) playing onlyone game per participant per study.