The Weekly Horoscope for Aries...
The overall chart for Aries at this time gives you not only the knowledge of what needs to be done... But it also gives you the wisdom needed to know how to pull that off too... The focus of this energy is just plain fantastic, but it goes without saying that not much is going to happen if you sit back and wait for someone else to handle things for you... This is energy that requires you to be the one with rock solid authority and determination... So others can rally behind you.
Your weekly chart energy will have wild emotional waves, but the core of this chart is there to bring you into better financial and material success... That is there so you can focus more of your attention on the tasks and challenges that you are facing... All those planets in your 12th House gives you incredible powers of observation & awareness... (or you could call it psychic ability)... You would be wise to pay very close attention to your inner voice at this time!! Nice!!