Hallo ich habe da eine Led Tastatut set bei ihnen gesehen und würde es gerne bestellen ich kann das Geld aber nur überweisen da ich kein PayPal konto habe ich hoffe das sie mir da entgegen kommen können.... Lg Alex Majewski
Hi I have seen since Tastatut set them a led and would like to order it hope I can make the money but only I transfer since I have a PayPal account that they can... get me there LG Alex Majewski
Hello I've got a Led Tastatut set with them seen and would like I ordered but the money can only be transferred because I have a PayPal account, I hope that they can come to meet me there .... LG Alex Majewski
"hello, i have an led tastatut set with you and would like to order i can only transfer the money since i don't have paypal account, i hope that you can meet. lg alex majewski.