I believe she is angry with you, Dupin." I commented once the din of the door being slammed behind her died down.
"Yes, it appears she is. But with time, and once I solve this more pressing case, her anger will recede."
"And what case is that, Dupin? That of the supposedly missing Madame Bontemps? You have spoken of no other case to me." I implored.
"Ah, my friend, that is because I am still in the information gathering phase of the case. It is not yet time to require your mirror."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" I was hurt, being left out of something my friend felt so strongly about. Dupin picked up on this immediately.
"Allay your fears, my friend, and I shall share with you my current ratiocinations. Have you not noticed that in the past year, the criminals in Paris have become much more proficient in their crimes?"
"I have noticed that there appear to be fewer crimes reported, yet no matter what G- says about crime being reduced, there also appear to be fewer arrests for those crimes."
"Quite, my friend. There are fewer crimes being committed by the criminals of Paris, but those crimes that are executed tend to be much more profitable and more difficult to solve."
"Hmm, continue, please." I wondered where this was going.
"In the past, there were many more Citizens clubbed in the streets, their valuables removed from their persons, only to be spent soon after at the local tavern or brassiere, where the Gendarmes always found the criminal responsible and made an arrest. In the past, a brick was thrown through a storefront, and an item or two was stolen, with the Police often catching the criminal fleeing with the purloined item in hand, Or if the criminal was unknown, for a few Francs or the threat of a trouncing, a jealous rival could be induced to give up the perpetrator."
"True on all counts, Dupin." I agreed.
"However, for the past year, there have been far fewer of these types of crimes, and an increase of those harder to solve. Instead of clubbing a citizen in the street, the criminals now wait until the citizen leaves his home, then breaks into the house, subdues the staff and steals ALL his valuables. If a store is robbed, it is done at night, when a lock is picked and the entire contents are hauled off in a cart. Finally, the police can no longer count on their informants. No matter the inducement, no matter the threat, those who used to be unable to keep secrets have become mute. It is almost as if the former informants fear their fellow criminals more than the police."
"And what are you leading to, Dupin?"
"I fear, my friend, that the criminals of Paris are becoming organized and trained. Someone, an as of yet unknown criminal mastermind, is banding all of the criminal elements together into a cohesive force."
"For what purpose, Dupin?"
我相信她是你发怒,杜宾。"我评论一旦 din 的门在她身后砰被平息。"是的看来她是。随时间,而且一旦我解决这个问题更多紧迫的情况,她的愤怒会退去.""什么情况下,那是杜宾?那据称失踪的夫人 Bontemps 吗?你有没有其它情况下对我说"。我恳求。"啊,我的朋友,那是案件的因为我仍然在信息收集阶段。尚不需要你的镜子的时间"。"这应该让我感觉更好?"我受了伤,被留下的东西我的朋友感到如此强烈。杜平上此立即。"消除你的恐惧,我的朋友,和我将与你分享我当前的 ratiocinations。你没有注意到,在过去的一年,在巴黎犯罪分子变得更精通他们的罪行吗?""我注意到似乎那里更少的报案,但不管 G-说什么关于犯罪正在减少,那里似乎也对这些罪行的少逮捕。""相当,是我的朋友。有较少犯罪的罪犯的巴黎,但执行这些罪行往往会以更加有利可图,更难解决"。"嗯,继续请"。我想知道这要去哪里。"In the past, there were many more Citizens clubbed in the streets, their valuables removed from their persons, only to be spent soon after at the local tavern or brassiere, where the Gendarmes always found the criminal responsible and made an arrest. In the past, a brick was thrown through a storefront, and an item or two was stolen, with the Police often catching the criminal fleeing with the purloined item in hand, Or if the criminal was unknown, for a few Francs or the threat of a trouncing, a jealous rival could be induced to give up the perpetrator.""True on all counts, Dupin." I agreed."However, for the past year, there have been far fewer of these types of crimes, and an increase of those harder to solve. Instead of clubbing a citizen in the street, the criminals now wait until the citizen leaves his home, then breaks into the house, subdues the staff and steals ALL his valuables. If a store is robbed, it is done at night, when a lock is picked and the entire contents are hauled off in a cart. Finally, the police can no longer count on their informants. No matter the inducement, no matter the threat, those who used to be unable to keep secrets have become mute. It is almost as if the former informants fear their fellow criminals more than the police.""And what are you leading to, Dupin?""I fear, my friend, that the criminals of Paris are becoming organized and trained. Someone, an as of yet unknown criminal mastermind, is banding all of the criminal elements together into a cohesive force.""出于何种目的,杜平吗?"