Comparatively, the use of a miniaturized BDDE in this work pro-vided very similar LOD value with that attained by Peng et al. using a nanobiocomposite sensor (fMWCNTs-GCE). In addition, thesensitivity value of 0.07μA/μM accomplished in our work is 1.5-timeshigher than that obtained on different BDDE by Spãtaru et al. With regards to LOD obtained by HPLC-AD, a very low value of 2.5 ngfor TB was determined, however, after application of separation step(SPE). On the other hand, the low LOD in this work was achievedas a consequence of high S/N ratio without any need to chemicallymodify the working electrode surface and/or to use a separation step.The intra-day repeatability of the proposed protocol was rated by tenreplicate voltammetric measurements for 9.09μM TB under the sameoperating conditions over the short time interval. The value of relativestandarddeviation (RSD) was found to be 2.5 and 1.7% for DPV andSWV procedure, respectively, confirming a fair repeatability of the protocol and manifesting omissible adsorption effect of either TB or theproducts of its electrochemical oxidation onto the working electrodesurface. To conclude, the aforementioned results corroborate the factthat the miniaturized BDDE can be considered as a progressive elec-trochemical sensor for sensitive and precise quantification of TB underthe selected experimental conditions.