Hello, my dear and beloved Tabarek!
How are you? What are you doing? How is your weather? All night, I
again thought only of you, about our future. My beloved, today I want
to fully open my heart to you! I'm a little embarrassed to tell you
this phrase, but I plucked up courage and ready. I want to confess to
you, my prince I LOVE YOU! I loved you from the very first letter. I
felt that we can build long-term relationship. Every day I give you my
time. After we met, I thought only of you. I love you for what you are
kind, gentle, caring and affectionate man. I know that I can rely on
you in the most difficult moment! You will never be fooled and do not
betray me. I knew that somewhere in the world there is one man I can
fall in love for real. And I found you Tabarek! My love for you is the
most pure and gentle. I kept my feelings for you in the heart, but
today I decided to open my heart to you. I hope that you will accept
my feelings and reciprocate! I want to tell you thank you for what you
never disregard my letter and went with me to the main goal - to build
a serious relationship. Now, you and I as a whole, as an unbroken
chain! I want our relations to develop further. My prince, my word of
love, more than just a word. For me, love is the feeling which I now
live and breathe. When I see your letter, I wake up in me a new breath
in my soul birds sing, I want to live and smile! My dear, I'll tell
you my heart and soul and I hope that you will not reject me! Please
tell me how you feel? Are you ready to tell me that you love me? Are
you ready for real for a serious relationship with me? I even recorded
another video for you my love Tabarekek! Today I decided to tell you
about our relationship father and mother. My parents were surprised,
but happy that I found my love. My dad, though good, but very strict
man. He asked where you live and how long we communicate. I told my
parents that you are very interesting, caring and most importantly a
good person at heart. My parents supported my choice and wished us
luck. My prince, please open your heart to me. Tell me what you feel
about me? You told someone about our relationship? I look forward to
your new letter to me. I love you!
Your Princess Ainur.
Hello, my dear and beloved Tabarek!How are you? What are you doing? How is your weather? All night, Iagain thought only of you, about our future. My beloved, today I wantto fully open my heart to you! I'm a little embarrassed to tell youthis phrase, but I plucked up courage and ready. I want to confess toyou, my prince I LOVE YOU! I loved you from the very first letter. Ifelt that we can build long-term relationship. Every day I give you mytime. After we met, I thought only of you. I love you for what you arekind, gentle, caring and affectionate man. I know that I can rely onyou in the most difficult moment! You will never be fooled and do notbetray me. I knew that somewhere in the world there is one man I canfall in love for real. And I found you Tabarek! My love for you is themost pure and gentle. I kept my feelings for you in the heart, buttoday I decided to open my heart to you. I hope that you will acceptmy feelings and reciprocate! I want to tell you thank you for what younever disregard my letter and went with me to the main goal - to builda serious relationship. Now, you and I as a whole, as an unbrokenchain! I want our relations to develop further. My prince, my word oflove, more than just a word. For me, love is the feeling which I nowlive and breathe. When I see your letter, I wake up in me a new breathin my soul birds sing, I want to live and smile! My dear, I'll tellyou my heart and soul and I hope that you will not reject me! Pleasetell me how you feel? Are you ready to tell me that you love me? Areyou ready for real for a serious relationship with me? I even recordedanother video for you my love Tabarekek! Today I decided to tell youabout our relationship father and mother. My parents were surprised,but happy that I found my love. My dad, though good, but very strictman. He asked where you live and how long we communicate. I told myparents that you are very interesting, caring and most importantly agood person at heart. My parents supported my choice and wished usluck. My prince, please open your heart to me. Tell me what you feelabout me? You told someone about our relationship? I look forward toyour new letter to me. I love you!Your Princess Ainur.