Mein Mann und ich betreiben gemeinsam eine Kanzlei und fühlen uns sehr wohl dabei! Mein Mann ist Rechtsanwalt und Fachanwalt für Miet- und Wohnungseigentumsrecht, ich bin Steuerberaterin. Wir beide haben jeweils über zehn Jahre Berufserfahrung.
Unsere Zielgruppe sind in erster Linie Unternehmer.
Von unserer Homepage wünschen wir uns, dass sie sehr klar strukturiert und übersichtlich ist. Wir stellen uns vor, dass man sich auf unserer Homepage schnell zurechtfindet und über die wichtigsten Informationen, über uns und unsere Dienstleistungen schnell Bescheid weiß.
Wir legen viel Wert darauf, dass sich unsere Mandanten bei uns wohl fühlen und professionell beraten werden. Wir selbst sehen uns nicht als "Gemischtwarenladen", sondern als "Feinkostladen", da wir wenige Dienstleistungen anbieten, dafür aber hochspezialisiert. Wir möchten mit dieser Homepage nicht die breite Masse ansprechen, sondern die "Sahnehäubchen". Insofern meinen wir, dass die Homepage nicht typisch klassisch rüber kommen soll, sondern elitär.
Da unser Logo mit einem orangegeschwungenen Strich unseren Namen ergänzt, sehen wir diesen orangenen Strich wie einen Faden, der durch unsere Kanzlei führt. Farblich ist deshalb das Orange sicher unser Hingucker, wobei hauptsächlich der Wechsel aus dunklen mit hellen Farbtönen oder Grautöne das Bild ergänzen.
Wir benutzen die Schrift "Calibri" für unsere Schriftsätze.
My husband and I jointly operate a firm and feel very comfortable with that! My husband is a lawyer and lawyer for rental and home ownership, I am accountant. We have over ten years experience. Our target group are entrepreneurs first and foremost.Description From our website we hope that she is very clearly structured and well arranged. We imagine that you quickly find your way on our website and quickly know about the most important information about us and our services. We keep to our clients feel comfortable and give professional advice. We see ourselves not as a "Grocery store", but as a "Deli" because we offer a few services, but highly specialized. We want to attract not the masses with this homepage, but the "cream of the crop". In this respect we believe that the home page should come not typical classic over, but elitist. As our logo with an orange curved line complements our name, we see this orange line like a thread that runs through our firm. Colour orange is therefore sure our catcher, where mainly the change from dark with bright colors or grays complete the picture. We use the font "Calibri" for our font sets.Industry lawyer/accountant

My husband and I jointly operate a firm and feel us very well! My husband is a lawyer and specialist lawyer for landlord and tenant law, I'm a tax consultant. We both have over ten years of experience. Our target group are primarily entrepreneurs. Description From our home, we hope that it is structured very clearly and well arranged. We imagine that you get along quickly finds on our website and on the most important information about us and our services quickly know. We attach great importance to the fact that our clients feel comfortable with us and professional advice. We ourselves do not see ourselves as a "general store", but as "deli", as we offer a few services, but highly specialized. We want this website does not appeal to the masses, but the "icing". In this respect, we believe that the website is not to come over typical classic but elitist. Since our logo complements our name with an orange curved line, we see this orange line like a thread that runs through our firm. Contrasting why the Orange is certainly our eye, mainly the change from dark to light colors or shades of gray complete the picture. We use the font "Calibri" for our briefs. Industry lawyer / accountant