Hallo acelectronicuk, ich möchte mein 14-tägiges Rücktrittsrecht in Anspruch nehmen und den Artikel zurück senden, da er uns nicht gefällt ( zu unhandlich, zu schwer) Bitte senden Sie mir einen Rücksendeaufkleber für die Retoure zu. mfg Holger Strehlau
Hello acelectronicuk,I would like to take my 14-day cancellation right and send the article back because I don't like us (too unwieldy, too hard)Please send me a return label for the return.courtesyHolger Santiago
Hello acelectronicuk, I want to take my 14-day right of rescission to complete and send the item back, because he does not like us (too bulky, too heavy) Please send me a return label for the return to. mfg Holger Strehlau
Hello, I think I acelectronicuk (14 days of the termination of the contract claim and send back, because we don't like him (too heavy, too heavy), please give me a R cksendeaufkleber back.