Issues dealing with paragraph a, a good development record: problems handling procedures are important properties of the plant, to avoid the same problem recurring.B, pilot sample development: current Iron sample making, there is Project Director of the process itself, and bypassed the field when this would cause PQP, field product quality requirements and focus do not understand, so that slows the progress of products and will produce more of the bad.C, ensuring ball specifications accuracy: specifications for Iron is also imported as Putter checklist, may keep the spec sheet accuracy and require that after the change required by the engineer to continue to sign.D, development of information integrity: follow-up progress and form daily Dan Xuyu is required before work is completed the same day, unless there are special circumstances can be delayed to things done before filling in the first note in the project.E, rewards system was established when a problem occurs: when a problem occurs in the sample preparation process, feedback to supervisors know and his first thoughts after discussions with the supervisor in the implementation.F, reset the weight of the Putter and Iron loss analysis of sheets: reset the form and import now.G, sample problem solving required re-verification of wax injection system and ensure the improvement plan is effective.