The qualitative methods chapter reflects my recent examination of the topic as found in Creswell (2013). These changes include an update on the characteristics of qualitative research, the types of designs available to the researcher, an extended discussion about the role of the researcher and reflexivity, and an improved section about the steps in qualitative data analysis and interpretation.
• The final chapter on mixed methods procedures has been extensively revised to reflect changes in recent years and in the writing about the design and conduct of this form of research in Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) and other writers. As compared with earlier editions, this chapter is more focused on writing a mixed methods section into the methods part of a proposal. It now considers up-to-date thinking about the criteria researchers use to determine what mixed methods design to employ. It revisits the designs and now structures that organization into basic and more advanced designs. Further, the basic designs are discussed in some detail, including their characteristics, data collection and analysis procedures, their writing formats, and the challenges one might expect to find with the design. Current diagrams of the designs are also included, as well as recent citations to the mixed methods literature.
The qualitative methods chapter reflects my recent examination of the topic as found in Creswell (2013). These changes include an update on the characteristics of qualitative research, the types of designs available to the researcher, an extended discussion about the role of the researcher and reflexivity, and an improved section about the steps in qualitative data analysis and interpretation.
• The final chapter on mixed methods procedures has been extensively revised to reflect changes in recent years and in the writing about the design and conduct of this form of research in Creswell and Plano Clark (2011) and other writers. As compared with earlier editions, this chapter is more focused on writing a mixed methods section into the methods part of a proposal. It now considers up-to-date thinking about the criteria researchers use to determine what mixed methods design to employ. It revisits the designs and now structures that organization into basic and more advanced designs. Further, the basic designs are discussed in some detail, including their characteristics, data collection and analysis procedures, their writing formats, and the challenges one might expect to find with the design. Current diagrams of the designs are also included, as well as recent citations to the mixed methods literature.