This paper computes and investigates the effect of fixture compliance and cutting conditions on workpiece stability and uses it as a basis for selecting a suitable fixture among several alternatives. We use two criteria, the minimum eigenvalue of the fixture stiffness matrix and
the largest displacement of the workpiece due to the cutting forces to assess the stability of the workpiece. First, the minimum eigenvalues of the fixture stiffness matrices, for the fixtures being considered, are computed. Second, since the eigenvalues are not dependant on the cutting forces, a displacement measure, the largest displacement of the workpiece due to the cutting force, is computed for each fixture. This displacement is a function of the cutting force and the fixture compliance. The choice of fixture is often a compromise between the two criteria. We also consider the combined influence of fixture compliance and cutting
conditions on workpiece stability. The results from the simple study used for illustration show that the eigenvalues remain constant under different cutting conditions whilst the largest displacement reduces by 68%, a significant reduction.