A different scenario occurs when schema incongruityis encountered. The novelty of the object increasesarousal, and greater cognitive elaboration may occurin an effort to resolve the incongruity. Mandler suggeststhat moderate incongruities are those that canbe successfully resolved. For example, suppose a consumerlearns of a new product that is labeled as andpossesses the general characteristics of a soft drinkbut also is described as being "all natural," a featurethat is at odds with most preservative-laden softdrinks. This incongruity with the soft drink schemawould be considered moderate if it could be resolvedwithout prompting a fundamental change in the consumer'sexisting cognitive structure. Such resolutionmight be accomplished via assimilation (e.g., "Oh,it's really just another soft drink."), subtyping (e.g.,It's a soft drink, but one that doesn't have the usualpreservatives."), or activation of an alternativeschema (e.g., "It's not really a soft drink; it's more ofa fruit juice. "). Moderate incongruities are regardedas "interesting and positively valued" (Mandler1982, p. 22), thereby leading to more positive responsesthan ones elicited by schema congruity. Indeed,the very process of resolving the incongruity isthought to be rewarding and thus may contribute tothe resulting positive affect.