“What is it?”
“It’s Peter’s old teddy bear,” I replied.
“But… why?” Addie asked.
“You know. They think everything Peter does is adorable.” I rubbed a finger down the glass over the photograph. “Peter started wearing glasses when
he was really tiny. He had some kind of eye muscle defect, and so he had to wear these tiny glasses. Everyone called him the Little Professor. Adorable,
“Adorable,” Addie echoed.
“Well, one day Peter toddles into my parents’ room. He’s put the glasses on the teddy bear. He holds up the bear, and he says, “Look! Now Teddy
can see how cute I am!’ ”
Addie laughed.
“Okay. It’s kind of amusing,” I said. “But my parents went berserk, gushing about how wonderful Peter was. And they started crying their eyes out.”
“Wow,” Addie murmured.
“Do you believe it? They thought it was the cutest thing they ever saw. And then my dad took this picture of the teddy bear with the little glasses on so
they’d never forget the moment.”