2. INFORMATION AND COOPERATION – 2.1 The Supplier shall promptly provide to the Bank such information relating to the Supplies or the Contract asthe Bank may reasonably request from time to time, including progress reports, projected supply programs and financial, management, business andany other reasonable information relating to the Supplies or the Contract. This information shall be provided at no additional cost to the Bank.2.2 The Supplier shall cooperate in good faith with the Bank and provide such assistance as is reasonably requested to enable the Bank to enjoyor obtain the benefit of the Supplies. 2.3 Save as otherwise set out in the Order, the Supplier shall provide everything necessary for theprovision of the Supplies.3. QUALITY – 3.1 The Supplies shall be: (a) fit for their purpose, of satisfactory quality and free from defects in material or workmanshipproduction, construction, design, and functionality; and (bi) in the case of the Goods, newly manufactured and must not have been previouslyinstalled other than for the purposes of testing. 3.2 The Supplies shall conform with: (a) any standards, specifications, drawings, descriptionsor samples contained or referred to in the Order; and (b) in the case of Supplies which are identified as a specific model or grade, therecognised or published specifications for that model or grade, (together, the "Specifications"). In the absence of any Specifications allSupplies shall be, as a minimum, within the normal limits of industrial quality. 3.3 Where the Order requires the Supplier to provide a qualityassurance certificate such certificate must accompany the Goods on delivery and Services at the time of completion or at such other time asspecified in the Order. If such certificate is not provided the Supplier shall be liable for any additional costs whatsoever incurred by the Bankin procuring such certificate.