The high aspect ratio tube feet were molded with Elite Double 32 silicone (Zhermack SpA, Badia Polesine, Italy) and the soft core with Elasto-Sil M-4601 (Wacker Chemie AG, Munchen, Germany). Before molding, Ease Release 200 (Mann Formulated Products, Macungie, PA, USA) was used as a release agent for all surfaces of the mold. The release agent was also sprayed on the soft core to prevent bonding and promote ease of removal of the core after the Elite Double 32 had cured. To manufacture the soft core, silicone was first poured into the top, bottom, and tip components of the three-part soft core mold, and then degassed in a vacuum chamber, which allowed complete infiltration of the elastomer into all cavities. The three parts of this mold were then married together, and the aluminum rod was inserted. The mold assembly was then clamped to prevent elastomer leakage, and placed in an oven at 65∘C for two hours until fully cured. To manufacture the high aspect ratio tube foot, a small amount of Elite Double 32 was first poured into the tip mold component and then the metal wire mesh was pushed through into the appropriate cavities, which allowed complete infiltration of the elastomer. The magnet was inserted shortly thereafter. The soft core and its aluminum rod were placed inside the three parts of the tube foot mold, which were then married, clamped, and silicone was injected through the two gates using a silicone mixer and dispenser (Doublemix, Zhermack), until all air and a small amount of silicone was ejected from all of the risers. The fully assembled mold was then placed in an oven at 65∘C for 10 minutes, until fully cured. After demolding, the aluminum rod was first pulled out, and then the soft core was removed.