Clinical Diagnosis : Abnormal liver function Sonographic Findings Liver : Parenchyma : Bright parenchyma with increased liver to kidney contrast and far attenuation Lesion : several ill-defined hypoechoic lesions without mass effect in S4/5 near GB and large intrahepatic vessels, the largest one measured 2.3 cm Biliary system : Gallbladder : Negative. IHD : Negative. CBD : Negative. Pancreas : Negative at part of body, others blocked by bowel gas. Spleen : Negative. Kidney : No hydronephrosis. Others : 1.No ascites 2.Abdominal aorta,IVC and LN: Partial obscured by bowel gas,otherwise grossly normal. Diagnosis : Fatty liver, moderate Hypoechoic hepatic lesions, favor focal sparing of fatty liver Comment : OPD follow up; sonography follow up 6 months later