

原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Lisa you are the perfect girl for meI wanted to apologize!Because I am a bad boyfriendThis weeks I did not give you love, so you do not feel the loveI thought we moving away from theBut I was wrong! I was so wrong!These days I am very uncomfortableThe first time I feel so strongly, I like a girl (which is I cannot describe in words)I have used your company together, watch movies, chat and. ...Every time I see you I'm much happier! ((So this is love ~Baby! I want to pursue you againLet us once again, and accompany with each otherI would like to continue our love, and when you go to College and try some new things, I'm happy for you, but! I want you to know! you got meLove you in the distant end of a boyfriendTaking a chance on me!I believe we can do itI hope you seriously watch this articleBecause I can't express it very well
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
Lisa you are a perfect girl for me,
I want to apologize to you!
Because I am an incompetent boyfriend
a couple of weeks I did not give you care, make you feel the love
I thought getting away from between us
but I was wrong! I was so wrong!
these days I am very uncomfortable
the first time I feel so strong, I like a girl (this is my words Wufaxingrong's)
I'm used to have your companionship, watching movies, chat. . . .
Whenever I see you I'll be so much happier! ((So this is love ~
baby! I want to pursue you again
let us once again, to accompany each other together
I would like to continue our love, when you go to college, to try something new, I happy for you, but! I want you to know! I have you
in the distant end of a love your boyfriend
give me a chance!
I believe we can do
I want you to watch carefully this article
because I can not expression is very good
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Lisa you are a perfect girl for meI want to apologize to you!Because I'm a bad boyfriend.I haven't given you love in a few weeks, so you can't feel the love.I thought we were getting out of it.But I was wrong! I was really wrong!I am very uncomfortable these daysThe first time I felt so strongly that I liked a girl (which I can't describe in words).I'm used to having you with me, watching movies and talking,....Every time I see you I will be much happier!Baby! I want to pursue you again.Let us again, together with each otherI want to continue our love, when you go to college, try something new, I'm happy for you, but I want you to know that you have meAt the far end there is a man who loves you.Give me a chance!I believe we can do itI want you to look at this article seriously.Because I can't express it very well.
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