· It may please be noted that the power supply to Local Diverter Damper panel is non-UPS as per the wiring diagram. Power supply to Emergency Circuit is UPS. Back up time for the UPS to be checked by NEPC for sufficiency to accommodate any effect from this type of event.
· Hydraulic oil circuit design is “ De-Energized of Electric Valve to close Diverter Damper”. However If Hydraulic oil pumps indicated in the wiring diagram do not run due to non-availability of Power Supply(L1,L2,L3) during black out condition, diverter damper will fail to close. Hence Emergency power feeder is required to local panel of diverter damper for closing action of diverter damper during total power failure. Available spare Emergency feeder may be provided from spare(refer attachment).
· As per the DCS trend under the power failure condition, Main stream stop valve has closed causing rising drum pressure and subsequently opening the start up vent valve. Due to open condition of startup vent for substantial period resulted in decrease in drum pressure. This condition in effect has led to faster evaporation and drying of Boiler drum. NEPC should revisit if it is truly required to OPEN startup vent under this black out condition. Because the heat input to HRSG will continue to reduce from the point of tripping, although drum pressure may rise temporarily due to closure of Main Steam Stop valve, Drum pressure could have started lowering on it’s own. Moreover there are Drum Safety valves to give protection to Drum under over pressure condition.
· Requirement of Startup vent valve Opening and duration of opening to be checked.
5. One contact input to be generated for Grid Failure and the same contact to be used for Emergency closing of Diverter Damper