Hey rong. Well actually now that I think some more, I remember that demon8096 was not the original account that I saw. I know I have never seen your facebook or instagram though. There was another name but I don't remember it immediately because it was nearly 3 weeks ago but I will try to remember.
Ok, I just did some more thinking and I searched, and I remember it now! It was Rong8096! This was the original account I found from plurk. That's the original instance that I have know about you. So yes I have seen one small photo of you in there! That's also how I knew your name is Rong.
But, it didn't relate to an email address. I don't remember how I found the demon part of your name but it was from student.tw here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7bktgBwDI28J:www.student.tw/profile/117127-demon8096/reputation/+&cd=8&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=tw
For me, I decided it was enough to know that the cool girl on Plurk and the demon girl student are the same one. There are many reasons why you are a very cool girl. For instance, "Rong" is similar to the English word "wrong." By the way, I am from Canada!