重要通知:  今天晚上开始雨夹雪转大雪,降温寒潮将至,请群里的群员及家人们充分做好御寒工作。该南飞的南飞,该换毛的换毛,该入窝的入窝,实在不的英文翻譯

重要通知: 今天晚上开始雨夹雪转大雪,降温寒潮将至,请群里的群员及家


原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Important notice: This evening snow, turning heavy snow, cooling the cold wave is approaching, asked group members and their families in the group to fully prepare themselves well. The South South and molt of the molt, the into the nest into the nest, there is no Hibernate. If fear cold can to corner, because there has 90 degrees; if also cold on Internet, because there has Baidu; if also too cold, can flat lying ground, because ground has 180 degrees; if also is cold can rotation a week, because that on has 360 degrees's; if also is cold can to dream in, because dream in found she 1100 degrees, you to several times on several times! Inform This group is cold The January 22, 2016
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Important notice:Today night sleet turn to snow, cold temperature is approaching, please group members and family group in the cold work well. The flying southward, the molt, the nest in the nest, it is impossible to hibernate. If the cold can go to the corner, because there are 90 degrees; if it is cold on the Internet, because there is a Baidu; if it is too cold can lie flat on the ground, because the ground is 180 degrees; if or cold can rotate a week, because there is a 360 degree; if still cold can to dream, because dream in search of her thousands of Baidu, you have to a few degrees of a few degrees!Hereby notifyThis group of cold doJanuary 22, 2016
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