There are students from all over the world at the United World School.的中文翻譯

There are students from all over th

There are students from all over the world at the United World School. In this school these
students study and spend their free time together. The school believes this will help them grow up
to be knowledgeable, caring and friendly.
Once a year, there is a special "United Nations" show. Students are allowed to show anything
they want, but anything that comes from their traditional cultures. To get ready for the festival, they
have to teach each other. And the school believes this will help them understand and enjoy the
culture of their friends better.
This school also believes that students should be allowed to make some decisions themselves.
For example, the older students are allowed to wear what they want and the younger students are
allowed to choose which kind of uniform they want to wear. But all students are asked not to wear
an expensive necklace or something else like that, and not to wear clothes that will make other
students unhappy.
It is never possible to make everybody happy, but if we want to have a much more wonderful
world, it is important for students to understand and enjoy other cultures as well as to be proud of
their own.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
有从联合国世界学校在世界各地的学生。在这学校的这些学生学习和一起度过他们的空闲时间。学校认为这将帮助他们成长要知识渊博、 关怀和友好。每年一次,是个特殊的"联合国"节目。学生们被允许显示任何内容他们想,但是任何来自其传统文化的东西。做好准备,为节日,他们要教给对方。学校认为这将帮助他们理解和享受他们的朋友更好的文化。这所学校还认为应该让学生自己做的一些决定。例如,高年级的学生可以穿他们想要什么和年轻的学生们允许选择哪一种他们想穿的制服。但是所有的学生们被要求不穿昂贵的项链或别的那样,并不是要穿衣服,会使其他学生不开心。它是永远不可能使大家都高兴,但是如果我们想要有更多精彩世界,它是学生理解和享受其他文化以及值得骄傲的重要他们自己。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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