Holiday baking just isn’t complete without the classic sugar cookie. A的中文翻譯

Holiday baking just isn’t complete

Holiday baking just isn’t complete without the classic sugar cookie. As a kid, I can remember my mom making stacks of sugar cookies for my siblings and I to decorate. We would sit at the table for hours, covered in frosting and sprinkles. Sugar cookies are just the perfect blank canvas for being creative. I think that’s why kids love them so much. They can “create” their very own cookie masterpiece!

The road to discovering the perfect gluten free sugar cookie has not been easy. It’s been somewhat of a nightmare for me. Every recipe would come out too hard or way too crumbly. It’s like you couldn’t even frost it or it would fall apart. Totally depressing. So many trials, so many errors. Once I took out eggs and dairy, I thought it was even more of a lost cause.

I am here to save the day with the recipe for the PERFECT sugar cookie! I could have cried when I made these the first time. Tears of joy. The use of organic powdered sugar, as oppose to regular cane sugar, makes for a lighter cookie crumb. This was the game changer for my cookies. It made the texture so much better! I also used just the right amount of coconut oil. Too much oil makes them too crispy. These cookies are crisp on the outside and soft on the inside. The next day they are even softer, especially if they’ve been frosted. Enjoy, my friends, this simple recipe for gluten free vegan sugar cookies. May these cookies make your holidays just a little bit brighter!

sugar cookies1
gluten free vegan sugar cookies

AUTHOR: Sarah Bakes Gluten Free
RECIPE TYPE: cookies
SERVES: 28-30 cookies
2 1/3 cups Sarah's gluten free flour blend*
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups organic powdered sugar
1/3 cup coconut oil, soft**
1/3 cup So Delicious unsweetened coconut milk, room temperature
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment paper.
In medium bowl, sift together flour blend, baking powder and salt. Set aside.
In bowl of stand mixer, beat together powdered sugar, coconut oil, coconut milk and vanilla until creamy. Add flour mixture and continue to mix until combined, 1-2 minutes (add an additional tablespoon of coconut milk if needed).
Form into patty and wrap in plastic wrap. Let dough rest in refridgerator for 10-15 minutes. If you would like to make this dough in advance, store wrapped in refrigerator. Let rest on counter for 1-2 hours before ready to use.
On counter, lay out large piece of plastic wrap. Place cookie dough in the center and top with another piece of plastic wrap. Roll with rolling pin until dough is about 1/4" thick.
Cut dough into circles or desired shapes. Place cookies on prepared baking sheets.
Bake cookies for 7-8 minutes. Do NOT over bake, as they won't turn much of a golden brown.
Remove cookies from oven and place on cooling rack to cool completely. Store in air-tight container.
*For this recipe, I used my lighter flour blend by replacing the sorghum flour with white rice flour.
**Use refined coconut oil for less of a coconut flavor.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
焙烘不经典糖曲奇不完整的。作为一个孩子,我可以记得妈妈做了成堆的糖饼干为我和我的兄弟姐妹来装饰。我们会坐在桌旁几个小时,覆盖在奶油和巧克力粉。糖霜饼干都只是完美的空白的帆布,富有创造性。我认为有为什么孩子都爱吃这么多。他们能够"创造"他们自己的 cookie 的杰作!发现完美的面筋免费糖曲奇的道路并非一帆风顺。它已经有点像我的一场噩梦。每道菜会出来,太硬或太易碎。这就像你甚至不能霜它或者它会散架。完全令人沮丧。如此众多的磨难,所以很多的错误。当我拿出鸡蛋和奶制品时,以为它是更大的一个失败的事业。我在这里完美糖饼干的配方与保存一天!当我做了这些第一次可以有哭了。喜悦的泪水。有机糖粉,作为反对定期甘蔗糖,利用一个更轻的 cookie 面包屑。这是为我的饼干改变游戏规则。它使纹理要好得多!我还用适量的椰油。太多油使他们太脆。这些 cookie 是脆在外面和软在里面。第二天他们都变得更柔软,特别是如果他们已经结了霜。享受,我的朋友,这个简单的食谱,面筋免费的纯素食糖饼干。这些 cookie 或许会让你假日只是亮一点!糖 cookies1面筋免费的纯素食糖饼干 打印作者: 萨拉烤麸食谱类型: 饼干服务: 28-30 饼干成分2 1/3 杯莎拉面筋免费面粉混合 *1 茶匙发酵粉1/2 茶匙盐1 1/2 杯有机粉状糖1/3 杯椰油,软 * *1/3 杯太好吃不加糖椰奶,室温2 茶匙香草精说明烤箱预热到 350 度。烤盘上烤盘纸的线。在碗里混合过筛混合面粉,烤粉和盐。拨出。站在搅拌机的碗里,一起战胜糖粉、 椰油、 椰奶和香草直到奶油。添加面粉混合物,继续搅拌直到结合,1-2 分钟 (如果需要添加额外的汤匙的椰子牛奶)。帕蒂形成和包裹在塑料包装。让面团休息在冰箱 10-15 分钟。如果你想要提前做这个面团,商店包裹在冰箱里。1-2 小时前准备使用让柜台上的休息。在柜台,布置大块塑料包装。在中心和顶部用塑料包装的另一片饼干面团。用擀面杖卷,直到面团约 1/4 英寸厚。把面团切成圆形或所需的形状。在准备好的烤板上放置 cookie。7-8 分钟烤饼干。不要过度烘烤,因为他们不会变成金黄色。从烤箱中取出饼干,放在冷却架上待凉。在密封的容器中存储。备注* 这个食谱,我用我打火机的面粉混合通过替换白米饭面粉高粱面粉。* * 使用精炼的椰子油少的椰子味。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]


2 1 / 3杯莎拉的无麸质面粉混合*
1 / 2茶匙盐
1 1 / 2杯有机糖粉
1 / 3杯椰子油、软**
1 / 3杯美味无糖椰奶、常温
中盆,把面粉混合,发酵粉和盐。在碗里搅拌,搅拌均匀,打在一起的粉末状糖,椰子油,椰子汁和香草冰淇淋。加入面粉混合物,继续搅拌至混合,1至2分钟(如果需要的话,加入一汤匙椰浆)。在塑料包装成肉饼和包装形式。让面团在冰箱里休息10-15分钟。如果你想先把这个面团放进冰箱里,把包裹在冰箱里。让我们在柜台上休息一到2小时,在柜台上,放一大块塑料袋。把饼干面团放在中心,再放上一块塑料包装。辊与滚动销,直到面团约4 / 1“厚。把饼干在准备好的烤盘。
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