One area that will require more development for linked data to truly t的中文翻譯

One area that will require more dev

One area that will require more development for linked data to truly take hold in the library community and beyond is automating the creation of links between locally created data sets and large linked data sets such as VIAF, LCNAF, and DBpedia. These types of links are critical for leveraging the true potential of linked data but are currently rather difficult to create accurately and efficiently. Though the NCSU project team had success with staff members manually searching for URIs, this approach would not be scalable to larger projects,which could involve tens of thousands of URIs. As linked data sets grow larger, there will be an increasing need for more sophisticated linked data reconciliation tools or services similar to the authority control processing currently offered by vendors such as Marcive, Backstage, LSSI, and LTI, where libraries could submit RDF data and the vendor would return an enhanced data set with links to equivalent entities in other popular linked data sets.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
将需要链接的数据真正体会到更多发展的一个领域在图书馆界举行和超越自动创建的本地创建的数据集和大链接的数据集,如 VIAF,LCNAF 和 DBpedia 之间的联系。这些类型的链接是利用链接数据的真正潜力的关键,但目前很难创建准确、 高效。虽然 NCSU 项目团队人员手动搜索 Uri 取得了成功,这种方法不会扩展到较大的项目,可能涉及数以万计的 Uri。随着链接的数据集增长较大,将越来越需要更复杂的关联的数据和解工具或服务类似于目前供应商提供的 Marcive、 后台、 LSSI 和 LTI,图书馆可以提交 RDF 数据的位置等权威控制处理和供应商将返回一组链接的增强的数据到其他流行的链接数据集合中的等效实体。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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