The MSc in Computing Science is a taught postgraduate course aimed at的中文翻譯

The MSc in Computing Science is a

The MSc in Computing Science is a taught postgraduate course aimed at excellent students who may not have studied computing so far but who are keen to acquire core computing skills or deepen their existing knowledge of computing.
Applicants who want to add computing qualifications or who want to retrain as computing or IT professionals are the natural target for this course. The expectation of graduates is that this course enables them to take on employment that requires computing skills as part of their job description.
This course is also a suitable preparation for PhD studies.
The programme provides opportunities for postgraduate students to develop and demonstrate knowledge, understanding, and practical skills in basic and specialised topics in computing, to develop and demonstrate the qualities and skills needed for group co-operation as well as for literature search, technical presentation and report writing, and to join in development of a large software project.
We normally expect applicants for this course to possess the equivalent of a good upper second-class UK degree
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
The 计算机科学理学硕士是针对优秀学生谁不可能研究计算到目前为止却热衷于获取核心计算技能或加深的计算他们现有的知识讲授研究生课程。Applicants 谁想要添加计算资格或谁想要培训作为计算或 IT 专业人员都是天然的目标为本课程。毕业生的期望是,本课程使他们采取就业需要计算技能作为他们工作职责的一部分。This 课程也是适合准备博士研究。The 方案为学生提供机会研究生发展和展示知识、 理解和实际技能基本和专门主题中计算,开发并演示的素质和技能所需的组合作,以及文献检索、 技术演示文稿和报告写作,并参加一个大型软件项目的发展。我们通常希望申请人本课程具有相当好的上部二级英国学位
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
这当然也是 博士研究了一种适合制备。
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