Audit plans (process audits, product audits) must be available for the的中文翻譯

Audit plans (process audits, produc

Audit plans (process audits, product audits) must be available for the product and its production processes.
Reasons for an audit are :
- New projects, processes and/or products
- To provide evidence of compliance with quality requirements
- To indicate the potential for improvements
Deviation reports must be issued to those responsible and improvement actions must be tracked.
If quality requirements are not met (internal / external) additional audits referring to the specific event(s) must be carried out. Product audits are carried out and documented in production after production operations have been completed. They are
carried out periodically and examine the finished product.
Account is also taken of customer requirements and relevant functions, including ease and security of fitment. Deficiencies in engineering and production are displayed,
assessed from the customer's standpoint and appropriate actions are introduced.
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
审计计划 (过程审核,产品审核) 必须可用于产品和生产工艺。审计的原因是:-新项目、 流程和/或产品提供符合质量要求的证据-到表明改进的潜力偏差报告必须发给那些负责并必须跟踪改进行动。如果不符合质量要求,必须进行 (内部 / 外部) 额外的审计指的特定的事件。进行产品审核并将其记录在生产后生产操作完成。他们是定期进行,并检查成品。也考虑客户的要求和相关的职能,包括易用性和安全性的装修。显示在工程和生产中的不足之处,从客户的角度评估和介绍了适当的行动。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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