1. 基本安装1.1硬盘安装初次使用时,首先请安装硬盘。硬盘连接时,请正确接入电源线和数据线,我们的设备有支持1、2、4、8个硬盘,不同型号的英文翻譯

1. 基本安装1.1硬盘安装初次使用时,首先请安装硬盘。硬盘连接时,请

1. 基本安装
2. 开机
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
1. Basic Setup1.1 hard disk installWhen you first use, first of all, please install the hard drive.When the hard drive is connected, please properly connected to power supply and data cable, our equipment supports 1, 2, 4, 8 hard drives, different models of the same number of hard drives supported by the device, depending on the specific product model number needed to determine. Note: the hard disk is not installed, monitoring equipment can operate normally, but does not work for video playback.1.2 the mouse connectionHave 1 or two on the rear panel of the device (one is the same interface the USB interface on the front panel) USB interface. Front Panel USB ports, two are for mouse, USB, WIFI, 3G module, and so on.2. power onAccess to the
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
1 basic installation
1.1 hard disk installation
first use, please install the hard disk.
hard disk connection, please correct access to power lines and data lines, our equipment is support 1, 2, 4, 8 drives, the number of different types of equipment is required to support the hard disk, the specific number need to determine the specific types of products. Note: the hard disk is not installed, the device can monitor the normal operation, but can not be normal video playback.
1.2 mouse connected
equipment panel has one or two wherein a front panel USB interface is an interface USB interface. Front panel of a USB port, two can be used for the mouse, U disk, WIFI,3G module, etc..
2. boot

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