一、 外贸业务员的基本心态和素质1) 基本心态2) 基本素质3) 专业素质二、 如何寻找客户1) 要充分利用网上的免费资源2) 合理分配工作的英文翻譯

一、 外贸业务员的基本心态和素质1) 基本心态2) 基本素质3) 专业

一、 外贸业务员的基本心态和素质
1) 基本心态
2) 基本素质
3) 专业素质
二、 如何寻找客户
1) 要充分利用网上的免费资源
2) 合理分配工作时间,努力开发客户,定期跟踪客户,注意整理客户资料。
三、 与客户的有效沟通
1) 沟通方法
2) 沟通的重要性
3) 与新老客户的有效沟通

原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
The basic quality of the basic mentality of a salesman mentality and quality
3) professional quality
, how to find customers
1) To take full advantage of the free online resources
2) a reasonable allocation of work time, effort development customers, to keep track of customers on a regular basis, and pay attention to organize customer information. Experience

Third, effective communication with customers
1) communication method
2) the importance of communication
3) to communicate effectively with the new and old customers
, I learned in the course of their work to (a) must have plan, purpose
(b) not to leave
(c) To the brave fail

結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
The basic mentality, foreign trade salesman and the quality of
1 basic mentality)
3) the basic quality of professional quality, how to find customers
two) to take full advantage of free resources on the
2) reasonable allocation of work time, efforts to develop customer, tracking customers regularly, pay attention to organize customer information.
three, effective communication with
1 customer) communication method of
2) the importance of communication
3) with the new and old customers to communicate effectively
four, I learned that in the process of working experience
(a) must have the plan, have the purpose of
(two) don't leave their
(three) to be brave to face failure:
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]

1, foreign sales of basic attitudes and qualities)
3 basic quality) professional quality
b, how to find client
1) to take full advantage of free resources on the Web
2) allocation of a reasonable time, efforts to develop customers, tracking customers on a regular basis, attention to organize customer information.
Third, communicate effectively with customers
2 communication methods) the importance of communication
3) effective communication with new and old customers
IV, learned in the course of my work experience
(a) the work must be planned and purposeful
(b) do not keep your problems to yourself
(c) to face up to the failure

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