I have used baidu for almost a year now, and been happy with it, that 的中文翻譯

I have used baidu for almost a year

I have used baidu for almost a year now, and been happy with it, that is until recently, two weeks ago, govome popped up out of nowhere and try as I might I can not uninstall it or delete it, it is apparently connected to hao 123 that I have absolutely no use for when I looked it up I found it (hao 123 / govome ) was a browser hijacker, now I don't want to dump my baidu browser but I will if that is what it takes to be rid of govome / hao123... I am sure you can understand my situation, it irritates me to no end when I open my browser only to have to close the hijacker(govome) to get to my actual browser, and it was never like that before

原始語言: -
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
I have used baidu for almost a year now, and been happy with it, that is until recently, two weeks ago, govome popped up out of nowhere and try as I might I can not uninstall it or delete it, it is apparently connected to hao 123 that I have absolutely no use for when I looked it up I found it (hao 123 / govome ) was a browser hijacker, now I don't want to dump my baidu browser but I will if that is what it takes to be rid of govome / hao123... I am sure you can understand my situation, it irritates me to no end when I open my browser only to have to close the hijacker(govome) to get to my actual browser, and it was never like that before
結果 (中文) 2:[復制]
我已经使用百度将近一年了,一直喜欢它,这是直到最近,两个星期前,govome弹出从哪儿冒出来,并尝试,因为我可能我无法卸载或删除它,它显然是连接到豪123,我绝对​​没有用的,当我看着它,我发现它(皓123 / govome)是一个浏览器劫持,现在我不想甩我百度浏览器,但我会如果这是什么需要是摆脱govome / hao123的......我相信你能理解我的处境,它刺激我没有尽头时,我只打开我的浏览器必须关闭劫持者(govome)去我的实际浏览器,这是从来没有喜欢之前

結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
我用百度快一年了,和它是快乐的,这是直到最近,两周前,govome弹出了出来,因为我可能会尝试,我不能卸载或删除它,这显然是连接到浩123,我绝对不喜欢当我看着它我发现它(浩123 / govome)是浏览器劫持,现在我不想把我的百度浏览器,但如果是要摆脱govome / hao123我会…我相信你能理解我的处境,这激怒了我没有结束当我打开我的浏览器只不得不关闭了劫机者(govome)到我实际的浏览器,它从来没有像前

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