— The first study (thanks to commentator “nosyu” for letting me know) 的中文翻譯

— The first study (thanks to commen

— The first study (thanks to commentator “nosyu” for letting me know) from Japan has the somewhat difficult to understand title “Hair follicle aging is driven by transepidermal elimination of stem cells via COL17A1 proteolysis.” For non-scientists, the contents of that study are not very easy to understand without spending some time googling the various technical terms listed in there. However, an easier to understand article analyzing the above study’s findings concludes that “One reason your hair is thinning is because some of it turns into skin.” The study also discusses shedding of epidermal keratinocytes from the skin surface. A lot of people complain about dandruff, itching and dermatitis throughout their scalp while they are slowly balding, and I have had those problems many times in the past decade. Nizoral and sunshine have both helped me tackle those problems, but I can never seem to go for more than a few days without at least some itching and skin shedding. Note that a Japanese article on this study actually mentions the word “dandruff” in there when you translate to English.

The study authors found that hair follicles in women over age 55 were smaller and with lower levels of Collagen 17A1. It is good to see a study that is devoted to female hair loss sufferers. Moreover, one of the lead authors of the study is also a female by the name of Dr. Emi Nishimura. The researchers also engineered mice to lack the COL17A1 gene, and found that these mice then had no follicle-generating cells.

— The second study is titled “Foxc1 reinforces quiescence in self-renewing hair follicle stem cells.” Foxc1 (also known as Forkhead box C1) belongs to the Forkhead family of proteins and transcription factors. It seems like Foxc1 regulates the hair growth cycle, and perhaps manipulating this in future could prevent balding.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
— — (由于评论员让我知道的"nosyu") 第一项研究来自日本有几分难以理解标题"头发毛囊老化由经皮消除干细胞通过 COL17A1 水解。"为非科学家的这项研究的内容并非很容易理解不花一些时间谷歌搜索各种技术术语列出在那里。然而,更容易理解文章分析上述研究结果得出结论,"您的头发稀疏的原因之一是因为一些它变成皮肤"。研究还讨论了脱落的表皮角质形成细胞从皮肤表面。很多人抱怨头皮屑、 瘙痒、 皮炎在他们头皮整个虽然他们都是慢慢秃顶,和我已经在过去十年中多次遇到类似的问题。Nizoral 和阳光都帮助我解决这些问题,但我可以似乎从未超过几天不用至少有些瘙痒和皮肤脱落。注意到一篇关于这项研究的日本文章实际上提到"头皮屑"一词在那里当你翻译成英文。该研究的作者发现,在年龄超过 55 岁妇女的头发毛囊较小和较低的胶原 17A1。很高兴看到献给女性脱发患者的研究。此外,这项研究报告的作者之一也是按名称博士 Emi Nishimura 的女性。研究人员还老鼠缺乏 COL17A1 基因,并发现这些老鼠然后有没有卵泡生成的单元格。— — 第二项研究是名为"Foxc1 强化自我更新毛囊干细胞中的平静"。Foxc1 (也称为叉头框 C1) 属于叉头家族蛋白和转录因子。看起来 Foxc1 调节头发生长周期,或许在将来操纵这可以防止秃头。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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