On a hot and dusty day, my friend Kathy and I drove slowly to our frie的中文翻譯

On a hot and dusty day, my friend K

On a hot and dusty day, my friend Kathy and I drove slowly to our friend's house.
After two hours' driving, we stopped before a parking lot and we ___ordered_ coffee there. “It's my ____,” I said, trying to find my ____ in the back seat, but it wasn't there. I knew it could ____ slip under a seat, so I searched around. ____ nothing was found. At last I ____ I had left my purse on the roof of the car in the parking lot of Dunkin' Donuts. I panicked and was sure that my credit cards had already ____. But something told me to ____ the Dunkin' Donuts just in case.
“Oh, thank goodness,” the clerk said when I called. “We were ____ your purse, trying to find a way to get in touch with you. Someone found your purse ____ in the parking lot and turned it in.”
Refusing any kind of ____, the shop owner express-mailed it to our friend's home. It ____ the next morning.
A few years later, on a snowy Minnesota winter night, my car's low-gas light was blinking red and I knew I had to stop for some gas or ____ walking home. Before leaving the parking lot, I remembered my purse was ____ in my pocket. But when I got home, it wasn't there. I searched again and again around the ____ but my purse didn't appear. Had I ____ my purse again? Knowing my good fortune might not ____ itself, I called the credit card company and my bank to ___ my accounts.
But the next morning I got a call. “Is this Heidi Grosch? We found your purse lying in the parking lot.” It ____ I had closed my car door with my purse lost outside. Again, everything was there and the finder ____ to accept any payment.
I will always be grateful to those who are kind to return my purse.
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結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
在炎热和尘土飞扬的一天,我和我的朋友凯西开得很慢到我们的朋友的家。后两个小时的驾驶,我们停下来之前一个停车场和我们 ___ordered_ 的咖啡,那里。"它是我的家,"我说,试图找到我的 ___ 在后座上,但它不在那里。我知道它可能会 ___ 滑下座椅,于是我去搜索周围。___ 什么也没有找到。最后我 ___ 我的钱包忘在车在停车场的唐甜甜圈的屋顶上。我惊慌失措,确信我的信用卡已经 ___。但直觉告诉我到 ___ 唐甜甜圈只是为了以防万一。"哦,谢天谢地,"店员说我打电话的时候。"我们是 ___ 你的钱包,试图找到方式与您取得联系。有人在停车场找到你的钱包 ___,把它。拒绝任何种类的 ___,店主快递-寄给我们的朋友的家。它 ___ 第二天早上。几年后,在白雪皑皑的明尼苏达冬天的夜晚,我的车低煤气灯红灯闪烁和我知道我不得不停下来一些气体或者 ___ 步行回家。在离开前的停车场,我记得我的钱包是 ___ 我的口袋里。但当我回到家,它不在那里。我旁 ___ 搜寻一遍又一遍,但是我的钱包也没有出现。再有我 ___ 我的钱包吗?知道我的好运气可能不 ___ 本身,我打电话给信用卡公司和我的银行对 ___ 我的账户。但第二天早上,我接到一个电话。"这是海蒂 Grosch 吗?我们发现你躺在停车场的钱包"。它 ___ 我已关闭我的车门与我的钱包丢在之外。再次,一切都在那里和 finder ___ 接受任何付款。我将永远感谢那些善良的人返回我的钱包。
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
两小时车程后,我们停在一个停车场,我们___ordered_咖啡吗。“这是我的____,”我说道,试图发现在后座我的____,但它不存在。我知道这可能____滑下座位,所以我四处搜寻。____一无所获。最后我____我昨晚在Dunkin’Donuts停车场屋顶的汽车把我的钱包。我确信我的信用卡已经____。但是有人告诉我____的Dunkin' Donuts以防万一。
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