

一家子;武夷山大安源旅游景区主景区包括(黄岗山大峡谷景区、龙归源景区、水上广场),大安源森林生态旅游区位于武夷山市北部洋庄乡大安村,地处全球人与生物圈保护网成员的武夷山自然保护区西部。大安源的猴子每年3 4月间经常看见大猴和小猴成群结队的玩耍,给武夷山风景区增添了无限的魅力。
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結果 (英文) 1: [復制]
Family; anyuan scenic Wuyi Mountain scenic area includes (Huanggang mountain Canyon scenic spot, square on the Dragon scenic area, water), Daan source forest ecological tourist area north of Wuyishan city, Yang Zhuang Xiang da village, located in the global protection of man and the biosphere network member of Wuyishan nature reserve in Western. Daan source monkey 3 April each year often sees large monkeys and small groups of monkeys play added to the mount Wuyi scenic area of infinite charm.
結果 (英文) 2:[復制]
The family; Wuyishan Great Anyuan scenic main scenic spots include (Huanggangshan Grand Canyon area, Longgui source area, Water Square), large Anyuan forest eco-tourism area in the north of the village of Ocean Township Daan Wuyishan City, located in the world's Man and Biosphere Reserve Network Wuyishan National Nature Reserve in western members. Great Anyuan monkeys 3-April each year often saw large hordes of monkeys and monkey play, to Wuyishan scenic adds infinite charm.
結果 (英文) 3:[復制]
Family; Wuyishan Anyuan tourism scenic area scenic area includes (Huang Gang Shan Scenic Canyon, Longgui source area, water square), big Anyuan forest ecological tourist zone is located in the Wuyi Mountain in the northern city of Yang Zhuang Xiang Da an Cun, global man and biosphere reserve network member of Wuyishan Nature Reserve in the West. Anyuan monkey every year between April 3 often see monkeys and monkey hordes of play, add infinite charm to the Wuyi Mountain scenic area.
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