– Nevertheless some flanges have groove much more than 2,3mm. Please c的中文翻譯

– Nevertheless some flanges have gr

– Nevertheless some flanges have groove much more than 2,3mm. Please control it more carefully. Your way theoretically right, but many depends from hands which made measurement. if instrument will not exactly straight, it will show less

2. for control ANY thread, necessary 2 gauge. GO and NOT GO. If thread between these 2 gauges – it is OK.

if you use only 1 gauge, you can make thread weak and not notice it. Please check by NOT GO thread, if you can screw it – it mean that thread are weak

3. -OK

4. Again, accuracy which we require, very difficult to measure by hand instrument. You need to use table and indicator ( like you use for measure pillars)

5. Difference in our and your measurements – Possible our method not ideal, but when we use carefully made pillars and make measurement carefully, we after measurement same flanges several time, have accuracy below 0,05mm.

I do not know how you can reach same accuracy, you can use same method or made another, but :

You promised me distance between hole axis and surface D46 7,5 +/- 0,2mm. OK, together with measurement accuracy +/-0,3mm

Not more.

You should keep this accuracy, and of course you should be able to measure this distance with good accuracy. Otherwise you do not know what you are supply me.

So –please make me flanges with good accuracy and control it. After I have got samples without mistakes, I will be able to order lotDmitry
原始語言: -
目標語言: -
結果 (中文) 1: [復制]
— — 然而一些法兰有槽更多比 2,3 毫米。请更加小心控制。你的方式从理论上正确,但很多取决于从手使测量。如果仪器将不完全直,它将显示更少2.为控制任何线程,必要 2 个规。去,不去。如果线程之间这些 2 的仪表 — — 没关系。如果您使用仅 1 计,你可以使线程弱和不注意到它。请检查不转到线上,如果你可以搞砸它 — — 它意味着线程就是弱3.OK4.再次,我们需要的精度很难手工测量仪器。你需要使用表和指示器 (像你用于测量支柱)5.我们和您的测量 — — 可能我们的方法并不理想,但是当我们使用精致的的支柱并仔细进行测量的区别后测量相同法兰几个时间,, 我们有低于 0,05 毫米的精度。我不知道如何你可以达到相同的精度,你可以使用同样的方法,或作出另一种,但:你答应过我孔轴和表面 D46 之间的距离 7 + /-0,2 毫米,5。好的以及测量精度 + /-0,3 毫米不是更多。你应该保持这个准确度,当然你应该能够测量这个距离具有良好的准确性。否则你不知道你是给我。所以 — — 请让我法兰具有良好的准确性和控制它。我有样品没有错误后,我将能够订购 lotDmitry
結果 (中文) 3:[復制]
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